Self-Care as a “Need of the Hour”


In today’s day and time, a person finds it difficult to take care of themselves. People are overwhelmed with so many tasks in a time span of 24 hours! Sometimes, the very act of taking care of one’s self becomes a mundane activity. How does one take care of themselves? Well, the answer to this dilemma is Self- Care. Self-care involves the individual nurturing their physical, emotional, social, spiritual and mental well being.

Self-care can be simple, yet add a sense of peace and satisfaction to the individual. Self-care could involve reading a chapter of a book that has been pending for a really long time or it could mean grabbing some popcorn and watching Netflix within the comfort of your home. The Idea of self-care is different to different individuals. The whole point of exercising self-care is to enjoy the process and not make it another chore to get done with!

Often individuals go to the gym as part of their daily routine but how many of them actually enjoy the process of going to the gym? Whether it is going to the gym or going to the long overdue salon appointment, it has to be enjoyed and looked forward to. An activity of self-care is something that needs to bring positivity and sense of fulfillment after its completion.

Individuals indulge in physical self-care activities but have a tendency to neglect their mental self-care. An example of a person’s mental health care is saying no to more tasks than what one can complete. Paying attention to one inner thoughts and feelings is another important aspect of mental self-care. Sometimes,  individuals get busy with their daily routine and they choose to ignore their thoughts and feelings. Doing so in the long run, could cause chaos. Paying attention to one’s inner thought and feelings as a part of a self-care routine can ensure positivity and improve the quality of their lives.

To ensure and regulate an individual’s hectic schedule, they need to have self-awareness, monitor and focus on their personal boundaries. Individuals must pay attention to see if others are constantly breaking their personal boundaries. They also need to pay attention to activities or work that has disrupted other areas of functioning in their lives. Self-Care needs to be enjoyed and should be part of everyone’s lives. It teaches us to enjoy taking care of ourself without any judgement. As individuals who take care of ourselves, we would be able to help those around us. So, Yes, if you have to grab a cup of coffee or want to take that much needed break do not hesitate to do so

Meet our Clinical Psychologist:

Ms. Esther John Mathews

Clinical Psychologist

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