
Marriage Counselling Process in Dubai - Openminds Center

Understanding the Marriage Counselling Process in Dubai

What is marriage counselling? Many things can cause problems in marriages and relationships. These can be communication problems, changing situations (such as changing jobs), sexual problems, financial problems or even illness. Marriage counselling, sometimes called couples therapy, helps couples understand and resolve their differences and improve their relationship with each…
trauma informed

Trauma-Informed Education: Supporting Students with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

In today’s educational setting, understanding and addressing trauma has become extremely vital. Quite a number of students attend school with an adverse childhood experience burden, making their learning and behavior greatly affected. Educators and schools have a lead role in creating an environment that is safe, nurturing, and supportive for…
Does marriage Counselling work

Does Marriage Counselling Work?

Are you struggling in your marriage and considering counselling? Does marriage counselling work? Find out what top experts in Dubai say about its effectiveness. Discover tips, stories, and practical advice to help you decide if it’s right for you. Marriage is a wonderful experience, but it’s not always easy. When…
mental health treatment

Exploring Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment

In the recent past, a new frontier in mental health treatment shook the research community: psychedelic-assisted therapy. From counterculture to stigma, this is potential medicine representing one of the greatest possibilities for alleviating many mental health disorders’ symptoms. Let’s understand this new therapy and how these psychedelic substances are being…
fear and phobia

What is Fear/ Phobia

We’ve been taught by our parents that it’s important to be polite. We’ve been told that saying “please” and “thank you” are necessary to show respect and appreciation. But how far should we take that? Is it important to extend such politeness to our intimate partner? Or is there an…
domestic violence

Domestic Violence

We’ve been taught by our parents that it’s important to be polite. We’ve been told that saying “please” and “thank you” are necessary to show respect and appreciation. But how far should we take that? Is it important to extend such politeness to our intimate partner? Or is there an…

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