Definition: Domestic violence, commonly referred to as spouse abuse, occurs when one spouse physically abuses the other on a regular basis inside the home.
Prevalence: Globally, one in three women has experienced physical or sexual violence from their partner at home. A survey conducted across various internal care practices revealed that roughly 6% of women had been victims of domestic violence in the year before their visit. It was discovered that of the women currently experiencing abuse, 49% suffer from high-intensity abuse such as threats or use of weapons, burning, choking, and severe physical harm, while 51% experience moderate severity abuse such as slapping, hitting, or kicking.
During Pregnancy: Unfortunately, a woman’s pregnancy does not halt domestic violence. Pregnancy is actually a high-risk period for battering, according to the surgeon general’s office. Fifteen to twenty-five percent of pregnant women experience physical abuse during their pregnancy, which often results in birth abnormalities. Additionally, homicide is the leading cause of death among women who are pregnant or have recently become pregnant.
Men as Victims: There have also been reports of wives beating their husbands. Husbands express fear of ridicule if they expose the problem; they fear charges of counterassault and often feel unable to leave the situation because of financial difficulties. Reports indicate instances of husband abuse occurring when a fragile, older man is married to a considerably younger woman.
Risk Factors: Every socioeconomic class, race, and religion can experience domestic abuse in their families. Anyone in a close relationship runs the risk of becoming hurt. It is most commonly observed in homes where there is an issue with substance misuse, especially with alcohol and crack abuse. A history of maltreatment as a child is another risk factor. About half of battered wives had violent upbringings, and dependency is the most prevalent characteristic among them. Men who are abusive are also likely to have grown up in abusive households, either as victims of abuse themselves as children or as witnesses to their wives’ abuse. Women who leave an abusive marriage run a 75 percent higher risk of being killed by their abusers compared to those who stay.
New York State prepared a physician reference card to alert and guide doctors about domestic violence.