Child, Adolescent & Adult Clinical Psychologist

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  • Child, Adolescent & Adult Clinical Psychologist
randa sekmani

Ms. Randa Sekmani

Randa Sekmani is a Psychologist and School Counselor, with over 14 years of experience in Lebanon and Dubai. She holds an MSC in Psychology in IUL University, and a Bachelor of arts in Adjustment Psychology. She received an Outstanding Clinical Psychologist Certificate from Princess Haya Award for Special Education in…
clinical psychologist in dubai

Ms. Syeda Najam Batool

Working as a DHA Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Trauma Specialist for more than 8 years in multiple clinical settings as well as lecturer for Psychology in various renowned universities . She is an M.Phil in Clinical Psychology, Gold Medalist from Pakistan and a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist CCTS-I from USA.
psychotherapist in dubai


Hiba Habeeb is a DHA and DoH licensed Clinical Psychologist with over three years of experience in the country. She completed her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, English Literature and Criminology from Mangalore, India, and completed her MSc in Clinical Psychology from UAE University, and simultaneously worked as a research…

Priyanka Dang

Ms Priyanka Dang is a DHA licensed clinical psychologist with over 10 years of experience in the field of psychotherapy and psychological assessment of cases with a varied psychiatric diagnosis, she specialises in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).

Ms. Asma Geitany

Ms. Asma Geitany is a clinical psychologist with over 9 years of experience. She is licensed with Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon. Mrs. Geitany is also a member of the Lebanese Syndicate of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts.

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