World Medical Council (WMC) in association with Biz Events Management, organized the COVID – 19 Healthcare Excellence Awards 2021 virtually in Dubai on 14th January 2021. The award ceremony was organized to recognize the efforts of all the individuals and organizations in the healthcare sector who were at the forefront of the COVID-19 response.
In 2020, Mental Health Experts counseled people through a Global Pandemic, an economic crisis, chronic uncertainity, anxiety and depression with no prior preparation, warning or special training, ALL while they went thorigh same experiences themselves.The time is now to honour and value the Mental Health Professionals.
We are so glad and proud that the MOST VALUABLE MEDICAL INNOVATION AWARD has been bestowned upon OPENMINDS PSYCHIATRY COUNSELING AND NEUROSCIENCE CENTER in recognition of our Professional Excellence and Outstanding Contribution during the Covid-19 response.
Eventhough every industry has been facing a tough time, the effect of the same on the medical industry had been extremely overwhelming. This pandemic explosion has, in fact, highlighted the importance of the health facilities systems and hospitals.
The COVID-19 pandemic had been stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, made people feel isolated and lonely and increased stress and anxiety. Amid the pandemic, the debilitating mental impact has on some people has become a subject of much discussion. Among the many issues they handle, our mental health specialists said they are seeing a higher number of cases during COVID-19.