Ms. Radwa Rizk is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-IBA) and holds a Master of Education degree in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) from Endicott University. With an impressive 15-year career.
specializes :
Heading Behavior departments and supervising ABA services across diverse settings, including schools, homes, and clinics. Driven by a passion for early intervention and inclusive education.emphasizes the critical importance of individualized programming. Proficient in supervising ABA-based educational plans, also incorporates well-known curriculums such as Di/Language for Learning, ABLLS-R, EFL, PEAK, AFLS, and VB-MAPP. Efficiently leading a diverse team of professionals, including behavior analysts, behavior technicians, teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, as well as ensures the implementation of robust systems that deliver comprehensive evidence-based programs.
Workshops and training programs for technicians and families.